- OnLive Cloud Gaming Console
- Video Demo from GDC
- 1 milisecond lag
- VOD for gaming
- Future gaming
- Crysis Wars
- Mirror's Edge
- Burnout Paradise
- Dell Having Troubles entering Phone Market
- Lackluster PC sales eating into its profit
- Phone OS really is the next-gen profit cow (see IPhone)
- It's more likely the hardware that is the profit cow
- Even Apple gives away the latest version of their OS to their users
- Right now it is because it lacks features other phones take for granted
- But they are setting the precident, and Android has promised even before iPhone to be the OS that is upgradable for free
- So getting the hardware that works, and maintains the functions and battery life you want will be the future of phones.
- Its really the hardwareOr has the boat been missed because
- PocketPC not glitzy enough, despite its utilitarian roots
- Will they buy Palm to get PRE?
- Twitter announces Pro account
- Facebook, Yahoo, Aim all jumping on Twitter craze
- Facebook was one of the first there
- Yahoo Updates is coming soon and will likely be integrated into Y!'s very popular e-mail service
- AOL Site Social
- Skype now #1 International Phone Provider
- International calls via Skype grew 41% in 2008
- That made Skype 8% of all of the International traffic combined last year
- IPhone Hits 17 million sales Landmark
- Sucker born each day
- Great device but it feeds the monopoly
- The devices do come locked to specific networks
- That is the work of the networks, not of Apple
- And lots of people have successfully unlocked their phones to use with other providers
- Article on why Carriers rule the market
Talk Points
- Alternatives to the Universal Remote
- The New Canon Digital Rebel 500D T1i
- 15.1MP up from 12 in XSi
- HD Video (no autofocus)
- 1080p @ 20fps (unusable)
- 720p @ 30fps
- 3.4fps burst shooting (170 JPEG buffer)
- Thanks to Canon for letting me play with it ($899 kit/$799 body)
- What would make the IPhone a perfect device? (This discussion at the top of the show during the iPhone segment)
- Slideout Qwerty keyboard
- Non-locked device
- No Data plan option
Doghouse Systems
Here is the code: POI
This will give the customer free ground shipping in the continental U.S.
Intarweb Goldmine
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