- Thought Identification Through Technology (FMRI's) - User Submitted
- Not Mind Reading but "Thought Identification"
- FMRI's show where the activity is in the brain at a given time (think heat-map)
- Computers identify these heat maps with objects, hammer, nail, boat,house
- Shown to have very high accuracy when using simple objects
- Already research is brisk when it comes to complex thought structure
- Are your brain patterns like DNA or should they be treated more like your thoughts?
- Amazon Backs off Text-to-Speech with Kindle 2
- Oops, our bad. We know it's legal but we don't want any headaches
- Authors and Publisher's can now "opt-out" of the robotic service
- Should Accessibility experts now be up in arms because the new device is now less accessible?
- On-Demand Online (Cable companies wanting their pound of flesh online)
- Comcast is coming up with a service, similar to Hulu, that will deliver streaming content from their network to your computer
- Will be restricted to Comcast subscribers
- Trying to protect their business model where they are the content providers over the Internet and can still charge you requisite money, because they are still paying a "per-user" fee to the networks they host
- 34% adults watch at least 1 video a week on the Internet, up from 20%
- At least they are coming along and trying to adapt (not anti-agile like RIAA)
- Releases Streaming Player for Iphone, CBS shows included
- Showtime and CBS shows will be on the Iphone
- Works best in Wi-Fi mode but still serviceable in cell mode
- Spotty coverage currently (no CSI, etc)
- Direct Response to Hulu and also a shot across the Apple IStore's bow
- Can create favorites and subscriptions
- Nokia decides to put Skype on the N97 in the UK, the cell operators are furious
- Skype is VoIP software that allows users to make free calls to other users
- Carriers may refuse to stock the devices if Nokie does not remove Skype
Talk Points (pick one or two and we move the rest to next week)
- Is the Kindle 2 worth Buying?
- Not yet IMHO (Steven) $359, not open-source, controlled only by amazon, no color still a little slow with the page refresh
- The 3D Monitor Derek is Playing With
- HelloTxt
- Seesmic, Friendster and!
- Friend Status
- Facebook Application
- Email Gateway
- TwitterFeed Application
- The All-New Skype
- 20 Unforgettable Case Mods
Doghouse Systems
Gamer's Corner (Conferences, New Developments, Game Reviews)Doghouse Systems
Here is the code: poi
This will give the customer free ground shipping in the continental U.S.
New Laptop
- Pre orders only - $50 Jinx Gift Certificate
- 17" display 1920 x 1200 resolution (just like your 26" displays!)
- Single or dual video card (CrossFire) configuration
- Single or dual hard drive options
- Backlit keyboard
- Excellent service - call anytime during daylight hours for order status and tech support
- Performance driven
- 10 years experience building high end servers
- 48 hour burn-in process
- OS comes pre-installed with WoW (not on recovery CD)
- Plenty of upgrade options yet simple enough to not be confusing during checkout
- Tabula Rasa Ending with a Bang
- Failed MMOG going out with a bang
- Instead of closing down the servers with a whimper, giant invasion planned.
- Atomic weapons will be used...
- Quake Live Open Beta
- Play Quake III Arena online and in your web browser
- Be prepared to wait in queue currently (avg. 30 mins)
- Gamer targetted Gillette commercial and product "The Gamer Razor"
- Star Trek Cologne and Perfume
- Red Shirt Cologne - Because tomorrow may never come...
- (reference to the no-name landing party members who always managed to die, they always wore red shirts)
- No Armed Woman Gets Pilots License
- Congenital defect, Lady has no arms and functions normally
- Can play the piano with her feet, and even fly an airplane (you have to watch the video)
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