Friday, March 28, 2008

Show #75

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Web Picks
    • now here's an extremely controversial site
    • tell the public about your experiences with cops & rate them on how they did
    • it's your chance to have a voice against the cops who did you wrong.
    • see- now only names and badge numbers are given out (which is already public information), and already thousands of law enforcement officials are outraged and trying to get it taken down.
    • I'M OUTRAGED!! if they were doing their jobs correctly and FAIRLY- they wouldn't have to WORRY! but because we have SO MANY underpaid, corrupt officers who have access to entirely too much privileged information, they are gonna use it to their benefit, no matter what.
    • I think this is what AMERICA NEEDS- someone to CHECK the police officers- we're all about checks and balances right?
    • The host- removed the site but it was quickly picked up by another host
    • If you're anything like Michael and Derek (well mostly like Michael), then you have a ton of RSS feeds that you read through on a daily basis. This might keep you up to date on the latest happenings but sometimes things can get lost in the shuffle when you have over 200 unread RSS items.
    • This is where AideRSS comes in. You feed it your RSS feed list, and it helps determine different kinds of feed lists based on all the feeds' feed ranks. This will get you a nice list of "Top Stories" so that you can get to the "meat" of your RSS subscriptions right away, and wade through the rest later.
    • You can adjust the feeds to help bring in more stories from certain sites, and increase the number of stories you want to see
    • Its a great way to get to the good stuff a little quicker, when you don't have the time to wade through it all.

Gamer's Corner
  • Nazi game
    • so the new york times is saying that a controversial game will NOT be released in north america... but Alten8, the maker of the game, says nintendo has not blocked this wii game (but they ARE definately releasing it in europe... weird?)
    • its funny that they say its controversial... when just weeks ago i read an article on digg about the "five popular brands the nazis gave us," including Volkswagon & IBM.
    • this game is called "imagination is the only escape"
    • some seems to think it could be a good history lesson... i mean after all we DO teach about the holocaust in school, its not a big dark secret.
    • in the game, you are playing as a young prisoner, which i don't think is too bad- afterall, many of these games have kids playing as gangsters and killers
    • i did not read anywhere that you can switch and play the 'nazi' role as well, because THAT in my opinion would be sick, and going way too far with it.
    • i don't have a wii but when this game comes out i wanna know what ya'll think about it (but like alot of violent video games, you should probably play it before you give it to your kids)
    • so email Suzy with comments about the game in general or critiques once you get a chance to play it
Geek Out
  • Laptop of 2015
    • what i wanna know is- "will we be able to SIT on the thing???"
    • instead of folding, it one screen slides into place next to the other
    • uses two super bright organic LED panels
    • only 3/4 of an inch thick

Friday, March 21, 2008

Show #74

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Web Picks

Gamer's Corner
  • World of Warcraft 2.4 Content Patch
    • Cool Trailer
    • Brace yourself for the Fury of the Sunwell, the next content patch for World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. You have traveled through the Dark Portal and braved the perils of Outland; you faced off against the might of the Burning Legion itself, and you prevailed. Now the journey that began with the arrival of the draenei on Azeroth and the blood elves' inclusion into the Horde is about to come full circle as a mighty army gathers to purge evil from one of Azeroth's most important loci of power: the ancient, magical Sunwell. Explore the mystical grounds of the new 5-person dungeon, Magisters' Terrace, where one of the Burning Crusade's most notorious villains is preparing to make his desperate last stand. Lead your raid group straight into the heart of the Sunwell Plateau to confront the most terrifying and deadly agents of the Burning Legion. But beware, for your enemies will not go down without a fight. Expect the demons to send in their most ferocious, brutal, and powerful officers. Your greatest challenge yet awaits. The new dungeon and raid content is not the only new addition of this upcoming patch. More than a dozen new daily quests will provide fresh new challenges, and a brand-new faction stands ready to reward you for your bravery and commitment. The call goes out to the strongest, most cunning, and bravest heroes to join the Shattered Sun Offensive in the battle to reclaim the Sunwell.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Show #73

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Fun Non-Gas Using Activities a.k.a. News
  • Google Caves to Pentagon Wishes
    • Google's Street View removed images at the request of the Pentagon from public streets where anyone could walk and take the same pictures and/or video and post them to the Internet.
    • Ostensibly, the government was concerned that the images, which included views of the entrances to military bases, were a threat.
    • The question remains whether the government had the right to request that the images be removed.
  • Will porn be the cause of a the shutdown of Tudou
    • Tudou, a hugely popular streaming video site, think YouTube for China, has been instructed to shut down by the SARFT (The Chinese State Administration of Radio, Film and Television)
      [China Herald] [PoynterOnline] [Isaac Mao] [techblog86]
    • The rumor can be summarized quickly. China's State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television (SARFT) supposedly instructed Tudou to close its doors, and word is it's because the people responsible for taking down illegal material missed some porn.
    • As for its potential shutdown, Danwei, one of the most reliable sources on Chinese internet news, tracked down some facts but nothing conclusive. One unnamed Tudou source told a Chinese source that they haven't been asked to shut down.

    • Meanwhile, Marbridge Consulting, whose staff watch the Chinese tech industry closely for a variety of clients claims to have confirmed with unnamed authorities that Tudou has been ordered to shut down, but they don't say whether the report they've translated is accurate in saying that the shut-down may be temporary.

  • Apple iTunes is now fully integrated with facebook through a built-in music section
    • Can see artists/preview their music
    • purchase individual tracks and entire albums
    • smart to partner instead of creating their own (more diversity for everyone)
  • Apple Announces iPhone Enterprise Features & iPhone SDK (Development Kit)
    • Enterprise Features
      • Exchange Support
      • Push Mail/Contact/Calendar with Exchange Servers
      • Also coming are global address list, Cisco IPsec VPN, authentication and certs, enterprise class WiFi (WPA2 / 802.1x), security policies, enterprise configuration tools, and remote wipe
      • Also Microsoft and Apple have partnered and developed an ActiveSync for the iPhone to allow better integration with Exchange
    • iPhone SDK (Development Kit)
      • This is a full fledged development kit
      • Contains access to pretty much all of the iPhone's advanced features (multi-touch, accelorometer, video/audio layer, etc)
      • Mac only development
      • $99 "entry" fee, this gets a certificate to sign your applications with
      • The App Store will be the only way to distribute your application(s) to iPhone/iTouch users
      • Apple will monitor applications available in the App Store rejecting those that are malicious or adult in nature
    • Both the enterprise features and third party application support will come in the iPhone 2.0 software
      • Free iPhone upgrade. Again, Touch users are going to have to pay for the new features
      • Available in June
  • Suzy: Hulu opens it's doors
    • opening to public
    • i checked it out and it seems cool but i don't understand how some of is drawbacks affect ME... derek?
    • i like that they have all the superbowl commercials grouped together for you.. but then again i'm an advertising major...
  • Web Browser Beta Bash!
      • Improved platform features such as: support for HTML5’s window.postMessage and window.messageEvent, JavaScript 1.8 improvements, and offline data storage for web applications. (who cares)
      • Performance improvements: changes to our JavaScript engine as well as profile guided optimization resulted in significant gains over previous releases in the popular SunSpider test from Apple, web applications like Google Mail and Zoho Office run much faster, and continued improvements to memory usage drastically reduce the amount of memory consumed over long web browsing sessions.
    • Internet Explorer 8
      • Five things you'll LOVE or HATE about IE8
        • WebSlices - Web developers have work to do, but sort of a neat idea. Think RSS feeds to clips of the main content from a page.
        • New Favorites Bar - Links bar renamed, add RSS and WebSlices = New Favorites Bar
        • Activities - Lots of options added to the right click menu on webpages: Map, define, translate, etc.
        • Crash Recovery - Firefox has had tab/session storage for a long time, IE finally gets it
        • Easier-to-Identify Domains - Domain portion of the address is black
      • Wider release of IE8 planned for summer
        • Anyone can download now
        • Currently the build is targeted at developers
        • Second beta slated for summer for a wider audience
      • More information from

Friday, March 7, 2008

Show #72

[Download Show #72 as MP3]

  • Vista Price Cuts Show How Much Microsoft is in Trouble
  • Blind Hacker
  • Steve Jobs Says No Flash on the iPhone
    • not preparing adobe flash on the iphone was not a CHOICE- but rather due to the structural limitations of flash
    • flash is for interactive moving and "flashing" stuff
    • most users already have plug-in, plus it can be downloaded for free
    • flash only designed to work on desk top computer
    • but iphone is fraction of a desk tops size and doesn't have all the same resources
  • Netvibes Ginger Launches
    • Flickr
    • Facebook
    • MySpace
    • Twitter
    • YouTube
    • Slide
    • 120,000 high-quality universal widgets Netvibes offers
    • Easily published, synced and updated live on Netvibes public pages (called Universes).
    • DIY Community: Netvibes Ginger transforms the entire web into a shared, social experience where users can see what their friends are reading, listening to, watching or what their social networking activity is, with activity streams. Users can instantly invite friends from any online address book, Twitter or Facebook, and conveniently create and maintain a community around their public Universe that’s automatically updated across different networks.
    • Completely redesigned, easy-to-use interface for a better homepage experience, filled with hundreds of new tools
      • Friends Activity widget
      • Content widgets from major media publishers (including full-length TV episodes from CBS)
  • Nine Inch Nails Gets Creative with Radiohead Style Release
    • Nine Inch Nails has released a new album, Ghosts I-IV, but in a way different then you might think
    • First off, the first "volume" was released to BitTorrent as a free download
    • You can purchase the album digitally (36 tracks) for $5 from's Mp3 Store or from
      • The digital downloads from come in the following formats (all $5)
        • 320kbps Mp3s (highest quality mp3 files)
        • FLAC (Lossless but will not play in iTunes without conversion)
        • Apple Lossless (Lossless, will play in iTunes)
    • If you want a physical version of the album,
      • $10 gets you Ghosts I-IV on two CDs;
      • $75 gets you a limited-edition package
        • 2 Audio CDs containing all 36 tracks
        • Download Code for Mp3 or Lossless files
        • 16 page booklet in deluxe digipack
        • 40 page PDF
        • Data DVD with multi-track files
      • (Sold Out) For a whopping $300, the true NIN superfan can pick up the "ultra-deluxe" limited-edition package
        • Only 2500 Available
        • 2 Audio CDs containing all 36 tracks
        • Download Code for Mp3 or Lossless files
        • 48-page book of photos
        • 40 page PDF
        • Data DVD & Blu-Ray discs with multi-track files
        • 4 180-gram records
        • Signed by Trent Reznor
    • Also, all the tracks have been licensed under a Creative Commons license, allowing folks to remix the tracks. Combine that with the ability to get the multi-track files via a package deal, and we should be seeing a good number of remixes begin to pop up.
    • Granted, there are several less famous independent artists whom would love the kind of press that Mr. Trent Reznor is, and you can find several of those artists on & MySpace. It is important to note that the music industry is changing. Distribution models like the one NIN is demonstrating might become the rule rather than the exception over the next few years.
    • Just in the "Ultra Deluxe" Super Editions Reznor has pull in $750,000 in revenue alone. This doesn't include the other purchase methods.
    • Is Reznor setting the bar for which all other digital releases will be judged by? Is he out doing himself to early into his indie freedom?

Web Picks
  • Friendfeed - Takes a simpler approach than Netvibes Ginger, another social website that basically combines all the feeds about you, but it's different in that you can subscribe to a single RSS feed for a person.
    • Digg, Google Reader, Flickr, Picasa Web Albums, del.ici.ous, Netflix Queue,, StumbleUpon, YouTube, Twitter, Yelp, Amazon Wishlists, GMail/Google Talk, Your RSS Feed/Blog
    • looks like the feed on facebook- but show your activity from multiple databases and lets you isolate friends and see all their online activities
  • Recover Different Versions of Files in Windows Vista

Gamer's Corner
  • Deadliest Catch
    • Surprisingly in-depth game
    • Catch crabs
    • Time based
    • Pick crew, boat, places to fish,
    • Very fun if your a "Deadliest Catch" Junkie. Might even intrigue those that aren't.

Penny Pinchers

Who should you tip? How much is appropriate? How should a tip be offered?

Situations that may call for gratuities always seem riddled with questions. When in doubt, we try to err on the side of generosity.

Scenario: You're with two friends watching basketball at a New York City bar, and after steadily tipping $1--$2 per drink, the bartender buys you a round.

How Much To Tip--And Why: $12. The fabled buyback should be rewarded, generally with an amount about the price of a round of drinks. (Don't expect buybacks in touristy areas.) Different bartenders have different rules for when they give customers freebies--one for every third or fourth round is common. Tip more if the buybacks come more frequently, or if you're given appetizers or shots on the house.

Scenario: After a few hours at a $10 blackjack table in Las Vegas, you suddenly hit two blackjacks in a row and find yourself up $150.

How Much To Tip--And Why: $20. Casino dealers aren't tipped as consistently as, say, waiters. But it's good karma (which every gambler needs) to tip an occasional chip or two, especially when you're winning. And absolutely tip the waitresses serving free cocktails: $2 per drink at the minimum. There's no need to tip if you've only played two hands at a table, however. And if you're down a few hundred bucks, tipping the dealer doesn't guarantee your fortunes will change.

Scenario: Hotel's concierge to make restaurant reservations, purchase theater tickets for you, and tell you where the nearest Tube stop is.

How Much To Tip--And Why: $20. Most tasks that a concierge handles (arranging show tickets, excursions, dinner reservations, or babysitting) call for a tip, and in pricey London, $10 per request is fair. There's no need to tip for quick inquiries about the nearest Tube stop or what street offers prime window-shopping. You might up the gratuity if you're staying for an extended period and want to be in the concierge's good graces. Also, it's common to tip more at high-end hotels.

Scenario: A waiter in Sydney brings free wine samples and steers you away from the halibut in favor of the yellowfin tuna, which turns out to be fantastic. The bill is about $60.

How Much To Tip--And Why: $6. Service fees are rare Down Under, and waiters, maids, taxi drivers, and even tour guides don't expect gratuities. Still, nowadays patrons at restaurants and cafés commonly tip waiters 5 to 10 percent of the bill when service is excellent. If the food and service were merely adequate, hold the tip, or round up the bill by $1 or $2. On the other hand, you might tip even more if the waiter threw in a dessert or a round of drinks.

Scenario: The bill for an uneventful taxi ride from the airport to your hotel in downtown Buenos Aires comes to a little less than $20.

How Much To Tip--And Why: $2. Locals usually don't tip taxi drivers, but, after years of experience with North American tourists, cabbies throughout South America have come to expect a small gratuity from foreigners. Rounding up the fare and telling the driver to keep the change is fine; there's no need to give more. For that matter, tipping the driver is by no means necessary, so don't do it if the service isn't satisfactory.

Scenario: Dinner at a Munich bistro costs $25. Your waitress was decent but not extraordinary.

How Much To Tip--And Why: $2. Waitstaff in Europe don't rely on tips the way their American counterparts do. Still, patrons on the Continent often tip one or two euros and change for good service. This is the case in France and Italy, where a service fee is usually marked on the bill (as service compris and servizio repectively), and in Germany and Austria, where the gratuity may not be spelled out. (In Germany and Austria, don't leave money on the table; hand it to your server.)

Scenario: While on a weeklong Caribbean cruise, your cabin is well taken care of by housekeeping, with beds made and towels replaced in a timely and unintrusive fashion.

How Much To Tip--And Why: $0. Cruise ships almost always add a gratuity to the bill. For the rare situation when a tip's not figured in, give the amount that most ships automatically charge: $10 per person per day. Even if the tip is tacked on, passengers usually have the power to change the amount. The staff counts on the money as part of their income, so request that the gratuity be removed only if the service was exceptionally poor--and explain to the management why you were disappointed.