[Download Show #105 as MP3]
- Yahoo Exec to Step Down
- Jerry Yang, CEO at Yahoo, plans to step down when replacement found
- Tumultuous times as of late with Yahoo rejecting a 47.5 billion dollar offer of purchase from M$
- Failed to gain an advertising partnership with Google
- Could M$ be interested in an acquisition again with Jerry Yang gone??? (win-win for M$)
- USB 3.0 Ready!
- Only took them 8 years to go from 2.0 to 3.0
- USB 2.0 = 480 Mb/s
- USB 3.0 = 5 Gb/s
- Specification 1.0 finished, sent to governing body
- Competing Firewire (1394-2008) has recently been approved for 3.2 Gb/s
- Analogy that explains how fast 5 Gb/s is:
- USB 2.0 = 60 MB/sec or about 2.6 minutes for a full DVD
- USB 3.0 = 640 MB/sec or about 15 seconds for a full DVD
- USB 3.0 is about 1000X faster than your broadband internet connection, 100X faster than most people's network connections, and 5X faster than the highest end local area network connections
- Freedom of Information Act shows that the feds can lojack your cell phone without the Telco's help
- Geek Alert: Full Star Trek Trailer for new movie available on their official site
- JJ Abrams will be directing the new movie
- Opinions on whether they can upright the sinking ship...
Gamer's Corner (Conferences, New Developments, Game Reviews)
- 7-11 Releasing Games Early
- Yes, you heard right. 7-11 now distributes game titles behind the counter
- Wrath of the Lich King AND Gears of War 2 both released early
- World of Warcraft Expansion Released
- Northrend 70-80 grind = more of the same
- Death Knights was the funnest 3 hours I've played since launch
- Turn your graphics to high and watch the beauty unfold
- National Geographic Gets into Gaming
- Opening new gaming division
- 2 games already out: National Geographic: Panda on DS and Herod's Lost Tomb for Iphone
- Decent reviews for Panda: Similar to NintenDogs but with a little more education in mind, care for panda cubs or full grown panda's. toys, food, washing, all that you expect.
First Commercialized Fully submersed Liquid Cooled PC
- Hardcore Computers Daren Klum, president of Hardcore Computer
- Custom Parts made from off-the-shelf pieces (custom = propietary but for engineering reasons, not money like MAC)
- Pull-out, push-in motherboard on rails (make sure it drains)
- LED lights make the fully submersed internals glow mad crazy
- Mode to allow the liquid to bubble and look cooler
- Liquid is an oil that is biodegradable and fully non-conductive
- SSD's, Motherboard, RAM, GPU, CPU all fully in the tank that is full of liquid
- Full 64 MB X-Fi integrated on custom Motherboard (power routed far away from it)
- three overclocked GeForce GTX280
- Dual Power-Supply for redundancy
- 3 SSD's (solid state drives) fully immersed in the most expensive mode
- 2 non-immersed 3.5 server-style HD spaces available by default
- How much? 10k min? nope, 4.5 - 11k for a full machine (9 grand I would consider my optimal plaything)
Intarweb Gold Mine
- Steve Jobs Flicks off IBM
- Hahah, this happened in the late 80's with pictures to prove it
- Steve has probably matured since then but after IBM sued them because of their recent exec hire, he is probably doing this in his bedroom right now. (Mark PaperMaster = IBM Exec hired at Apple)
- Urine Passes Nasa Taste Test
- $250 million dollar recycling plant sent to the space station
- The new system distils, filters, ionizes and oxidizes wastewater - including urine -- into fresh water for drinking.
- spins to create artificial gravity that separates the water from the brine, iodine then added
- Turns yesterday's coffee into today's coffee or yesterdays urine into today's drinking water
- After exhaustive taste test, anonymous comment, "I've got some in my fridge. It tastes fine to me."
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