[Download Show #103 as MP3]
- First Commercialized Fully submersed Liquid Cooled PC
- Hardcore Computers
- Custom Parts made from off-the-shelf pieces (custom = propietary but for engineering reasons, not money like MAC)0
- Pull-out, push-in motherboard on rails (make sure it drains)
- LED lights make the fully submersed internals glow mad crazy
- Mode to allow the liquid to bubble and look cooler
- Liquid is an oil that is biodegradable and fully non-conductive
- SSD's, Motherboard, RAM, GPU, CPU all fully in the tank that is full of liquid
- Full 64 MB X-Fi integrated on custom Motherboard (power routed far away from it)
- three overclocked GeForce GTX280
- Dual Power-Supply for redundancy
- 3 SSD's (solid state drives) fully immersed in the most expensive mode
- 2 non-immersed 3.5 server-style HD spaces available by default
- How much? 10k min? nope, 4.5 - 11k for a full machine (9 grand I would consider my optimal plaything)
- MTV smacks YouTube and Releases Music Library to Web
- API included
- Looks like a place for older music videos (16,000 of them)
- Funny that MTV has to put the word "Music" after it's moniker...
- Lots of errors right now and laggy as hell.
- Why oh Why do they feel the need to create another source????
- EPA Bangs on Game Industry
- One more thing that the government can make more expensive
- Consoles are starting to use more and more power these days
- PS3: 193.6 watts (gameplay) 182.7 (Blu-ray) 173.2 watts (movie)
- XBox 360: 185.1 watts (gameplay) 125.6 (movie)
- Wii: 17.8 watts
- Derek's Yearly Power Meter
- Amazon.com buys Reflexive Entertainment
- Popcap.com Knock-off: Download and purchase casual puzzle games, online offering available
- Google "Lively" - cross between Second Life and IRC
- Kongregate.com - more interactive web-only games with achievements and chat
- Netflix "Watch Instantly" coming to Macs by end of year
- Brought to you by Microsoft's "Silverlight"... lol
- Windows Azure Announced
- Full Cloud Oriented OS
- Email, SQL, Web, File Sharing
- Deploy and forget where it's deployed
- Virtualization in Microsoft's space instead of local
- Alerts through Live Messenger, Email, Text Messages for errors
- CTP (Community Technology Preview) now available
- Harnessing the power of the Brain
- Featured on CBS's 60 minutes
- A monkey that they mapped the brain of while walking, and moving things now can use a bionic arm to eat just using brain waves.
- Scott uses a brain computer interface (BCI) to think of one letter at a time so he can communicate
Gamer's Corner (Conferences, New Developments, Game Reviews)
- Xbox 360 Bundle for $350
- 60GB HD
- Guitar Hero III (with wireless guitar controller)
- Kung Fu Panda
- Lego's Indiana Jones
- Only at Sam's Club, starts in Nov.
- New Games last week:
- LBP Released, Fallout 3 (PS3 buggy), GH:WT, Penny Arcade Ep. 2
- Valve implements "Steam Cloud"
- Save Games, Keyboard setup, Mouse sensitivity will all be stored in "Cloud"
- Allows a person to log on anywhere and once they install, to play as normal
- Nov. 6 launch with Left 4 Dead demo (for those that pre-ordered)
- Will be patching previous games and offering code at no cost to developers
- Wii Implements Silent Patch to stop Homebrew Channel
Intarweb Gold Mine
- $250 Logitech Guitar Controller for Guitar Hero
- US Army Sees Twitter as Possible Terrorist Tool
- Car in works to go 1000 MPH
- Remember that Darwin Award about that guy who straps a rocket to his car?
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