[Download Show #94 as MP3]
Tech Headlines (Computers, Cameras, Cell Phones, Big News)
- Copyright Owners must consider "Fair Use" before sending Take Down Notices
- Lenz vs Universal (10 Page Decision)
- Prince - Let's Go Crazy
- Jott goes primetime
- Pricing
- FREE - 15 second messages advertiser supported, links to Twitter, Amazon, Blogger, Zillow, Jaiku, LiveJournal, Tumblr, TypePad, and WordPress
- $3.95/mo - 15 second messages + Outlook, links to Google Calendar, Sandy, Y! Groups, Remember the Milk, 30 Boxes, FortythreeActions, Gumiyo, Heep, KeepUp, Kwiry, Mentat, Mosio, Nozbe, Recommender, SmartSheet, Toodledo, Trapster, TSheets, Vitalist, Xpenser
- $12.95/mo - 30 second messages + BlackBerry
- Apple Ready to Rumble September 9th
- New iPods? New iTunes?
- Who knows, the cone of silence is strong
- Red Hat Infrastructure Servers Hacked and Compromised
- Red Hat confirmed that their first party servers were compromised
- "high confidence" that the hackers did not obtain the passphrase used to secure Fedora signing keys.
- Did use the hack to sign some unknown SSH packages
- Thinking about changing key which would require hands-on from every Fedora owner
- What this means: Unix is hard to secure, even for their creators
- Universities giving free IPhones and IPods
- Marketing in a competitive environment at its finest
- University of Maryland, Oklahoma Christian U., Abiline Christian and Freed-Hardeman all announced the rollout
- Stanford creating applications like campus maps and directory specifically for IPhone
- Students have to pay for service and data plan
- US Court Gives 15 Months' Jail for Game Piracy
- Caught selling PowerPlay handhelds with 76 pre-loaded pirated games, 2006-2007
- Ordered to pay $415,900 restitution
- Profits exceeded $390,000
Tech Picks (Software, Hardware, Websites, Reviews)
- Mozy Home
- IDrive
- Syncplicity
- Microsoft Mesh
- Carbonite
- 10 Futuristic Interfaces
- Futuristic Glass
- Brainloop
- Eyeliner 3D
- faceAPI
- 103 inch plasma for your house
- Well... If you've got $50K lying around
- 18 IPhone drinking apps
- BeerCounter - simple drink counter
- Bar Hopper - $1.99 gets you Drink Timer and Beer Counter in one
- R U Drunk - Six Sobriety Tests that you can take ($2.99)
- DrinkBuddy - Bar Hopper with save points and pre-loaded drinks
- BeerPad - Beer tracker for beer afficionados. Log beers and your thoughts
- WinePad - same as beerpad except for wine lovers.
- MyColorWave - tap, swipe, shake, jump and the screen changes colors
- Woo Button - EVERYTHING IS WOO WHEN YOUR DRUNK!!! Let the app do the work
Gamer's Corner (Conferences, New Developments, Game Reviews)
- Opening Cinematic war
- Tell us which is better...
- (Reference) Warhammer Online Opening Cinematic
- (Reference) WoW: Wrath of the Lich King Trailer
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