[Download Show #92 as MP3]
Tech Headlines (Computers, Cameras, Cell Phones, Big News)
- Shipping Problems at Netflix
- 1/3rd of subscribers are affected (8.4 million total subscribers)
- Working to solve problem but still don't know what it is
- Only happened once before
- Could affect stock value
- Google Believes One Billion Dollar Investment in AOL is Crumbling
- Bet you didn't know that Google inveseted in AOL
- Google is having to to take a serious look at their 1 billion dollar investment in AOL, and might have to start reported the loss in value that investment could be becoming. This could do a number on Google's stocks
- AOL is seeing a fair bit of trouble lately with falling revenues.
- Time Warner has stated publicly that they could sell off AOL
- Time Warner to sell GameTap
- Application that allows you to DL backlogged games (not current)
- Also has episodic content
- Paid and Unpaid "commercialed" model
- 18 Million dollar write-off in their quarterly report
- Not a barn-burner for back-orders on the PC
- Willing to sell
- Cablevision Wins Appeal, Remote DVR Lawful
- We've talked about Cablevision's remote DVR before
- Remote DVR = cable company records show(s) and stores them on their servers for Video On Demand playback by customers
- Cablevision was sued and forced to take their remote DVR feature offline.
- The have won an appeal an can move forward with a remote DVR service
- However there is a dark lining around these bright clouds, the judges did say that the remote DVR service could be considered "contributory infringement" rather than direct infringement. The original case was all around "direct infringement"
- We've talked about Cablevision's remote DVR before
- Texas Court Tells RIAA it Can Claim Damages, But Less Than it Wants
- The RIAA sued a San Antonio teenager for downloading music tracks via Kaaza and other file sharing applications
- The then teenager claimed that she did commit copyright infringement but claimed what is known as "ignorant infringer"
- This basically means, she did it, but she was not aware of WHAT she was doing with regards to copyright law at the time
- She was able to provide essential proof of this ignorance and the judge has ruled that the RIAA can get the summary judgement it wants but at a smaller price per infringement
- The article actually points out elements of the copyright law where, at the court's discression the court can award statutory damages of $200/infringement instead of the much higher $750
- Anti-War Group Targets UbiSoft, America's Army
- America's Army is a free-to-download First Person Shooter developed by the army meant to increase interest in military service
- DASW (Direct Action to Stop the War) claims that AA targets too young a crowd with their "T for Teen" rating (13 yrs and up).
- Claim is that it violates The United Nations Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict specifically forbids the recruitment of children under the age of 18.
- Wants label attached to game: "Warning: this video game has been developed by the United States Army to recruit children under the age of 17 in violation of the U.N. Optional Protocol and international law. Combat service has been known to cause death, irreparable injuries, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and lifelong feelings of overwhelming guilt."
- (Discussion point) Does the game step over the line for recruiting practices?
- Protest went down in front of UbiSoft HQ (San Fransisco) with a mixed bag of attendee's and lots of gaming blog press covering
- GTA IV Coming to PC in November
- 631,000 copies in 24 hours
- 8 million copies worldwide
- All GTA games have hit the PC
- Nov. 18th for USA, Nov 21st for Europe
- Seemless Uploading (Uses Adobe AIR) -- very smooth
- Remote Site Access
- Flickr (which didn't seem to work for me)
- Photobucket
- ...and others
- Add music to slideshows
- Print pictures through Shutterfly
- Tag your photos
- Upload photos via Eye-Fi
- Resize - Facebook, Mobile, Wherever (Presets)
- Update your microblogs status by e-mail or MMS through Hellotxt
- Adobe CS 3.3
- Acrobat 9 Pro
- Design Version comes with Fireworks now
- Fring
- Fring
- Skype
- GTalk
- Yahoo
- Landlines through SkypeOut or SIP
Gamer's Corner (Conferences, New Developments, Game Reviews)
- Blizzard offering Mount, XP for Recruiting Friends
- Friend must pay for 60 days
- Zebra Mount will be awarded
- Capable of summoning said friend and getting triple experience up to lvl 60
- Wii DVD Playback
- Disclaimer - Installing unlicensed software on your Wii could violate your Terms of Use and void the warranty of the device. The instructions linked below are provided for educational purposes only and Power of Information is not responsible for any damage done to your Nintendo Wii system as a result of following linked/discussed instructions.
- Install Homebrew Channel
- Zelda Hack
- Load SD Card with Homebrew from Web
- Copy save files from SD to Wii
- Enter Zelda, Load hacked Save Game, Talk to NPC
- Homebrew Channel Loads (if first save doesn't work, 2nd will)
- Zelda Hack
- Make Sure MPlayer is on your SD card
- Install Hack via menu Option
- MPlayer will now play your DVD Disc
- A button plays DVD (from menu system)
- B button is back or hide menu
- D-pad is FF and RW skip
- A = pause
- 1 is menu
- + and - is a chapter skip
- MPlayer drops frames to keep Audio synced (varies per movie)
- Disclaimer - Installing unlicensed software on your Wii could violate your Terms of Use and void the warranty of the device. The instructions linked below are provided for educational purposes only and Power of Information is not responsible for any damage done to your Nintendo Wii system as a result of following linked/discussed instructions.
- Warhammer Online from Mythic Entertainment
- Derek used to play Dark Age of Camelot
- Goes LIVE September 18th
- Steven, get us a trial, call Mythic/EA! :)
- Stop Motion Animatics using Lego's
- Mario, Metroid, Space Invaders, etc
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