Thursday, February 11, 2010

Show #126


  • Twitter Slammed by Phishing Malware
    • Usually manifest by a tweet: Visit DailyStalk, better than twitter, with pictures
    • If you visited the profile of that person, you were infected too
    • You began to send the same messages
    • Different variations, happened twice
    • Twitter "claims" to have fixed the problem
    • shortened urls are just ripe for taking you to sites you don't want to go to.
    • TinyUrl has a feature called "Preview" that will ask you if you want to visit that site
    • Only go to links from twitterers that you trust and fit what they usually tweet (limits mass blast take-overs, can't target individuals and their prefs)
  • Broadband Cap from Time Warner Draws Lawmaker's Ire
    • Lawmakers looking to legislate out the ability to cap in monopoly markets
    • TW's response: $150 unlimited fee? (ridiculous)
  • South Korean Blogger Arrested for Blogging about Failing Economy
    • 18 Month jail sentence
    • falsely reporting that South Korea had barred banks from purchasing U.S. currency.
  • Google Losing 1.65 million a day on YouTube
    • Bandwidth, Servers, Support, Bandwidth
    • $1-2 per visit per user
    • Loss Leader for keeping Google on the tongue?
    • Investment for future. getting in early and being #1,
    • Cost will go down, Bandwidth only becomes cheaper
    • Facing more competition with places like DailyMotion,, Hulu (diff. model but still online video entertainment), etc
  • DiggBar Stirs Controversy, Unveils Compromise
    • Diggbar acts as a URL shortener and disguises the site url in a frame
    • Your URL is your identity on the Internet
    • Companies have been writing programs for years that "break frames"
    • A LOT of ppl have complained so Diggbar came halfway, they made it an "opt-out" service
Talk Points
  • 20 Twitter Apps
  • People are organizing politically on Twitter: #teaparty and #teabag
    • #teaparty: Used to protest government's intervention into businesses / combat socialism
    • #teaparty used the hashtag to organize demonstrations across the US and even has signage
    • #teabag: organized in opposition to #teaparty / Basic tenet of group is that #teaparty is organized by a bunch of Obama haters and are currently happy with the changes in gov't
    • Freedom of speech is a good thing right?

Doghouse Systems
Here is the code: POI
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- New System - Under $1000 - Still handcrafted with care
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-Don't forget their laptop which has 2 graphics card built in, the mobius, at a mid-line desktop price
-If you want all the bells and whistles, they can handcraft that too, just call them up during normal business hours, they'll talk with you, find out your needs, and recommend the system that you need (not the one that costs the most)
-877-DHS-DHS2 (347-3472)

Gamer's Corner (Conferences, New Developments, Game Reviews)
  • WoW: 3.1 hit with a thud on day 1, downloads were slow, finding the MAC patch was even harder. I personally chose to stay away for a couple days away
    • Just goes to show that no matter how good your infrastructure is, its really hard to get out large content pushes to 10 million ppl all at once on the Internet.
  • "Braid" comes to PC, Level Editor Included
    • Very popular puzzle game that works on a time mechanic
    • Unique Look-n-feel
    • Was on consoles, now on PC (steam, etc)
    • Hidden Level Editor included for PC version only
    • Later support for imports from Photoshop
  • Burnout Paradise reveals Cops and Robbers Mode
    • Not much is known but it but introduces a chase mechanism
    • There's a trailer out there, just follow the link in our shownotes
    • Criterion is looking to continually change the way ppl play their popular racer by download packs, instead of releasing whole new games.
    • I WANT A CRASH MODE (as seen in previous versions of Burnout)

Intarweb Goldmine

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