[Download Show #108 as MP3]
Charity Plug
- Kristen Kreuk in Streetfighter Movie Adaptation
- Steven thinks she's HOT :)
- OK, what normal male does not? Plus she can act.... really well
- RIAA Sues 19 Yr old Transplant Patient
- Innocent, Sick, Unable to answer = Guilty as Charged
- Morally Reprehensible what the RIAA is doing
- They deserve this horrible press coverage
- Comcast offers Bandwidth Monitor in 2009
- Comcast implemented 250GB limit for a single month
- Now you will be able to see your BW usage (with a 3 hr delay)
- Comcast shooting for January 5th for release of tool
- BD Live - (Interactive Blu-Ray - Really Worth the Hype?)
- How many you us have ever played the extra content on DVD's
- I do a lot (ok, your a freak but how many regular people...)
- BD-Live is not all there yet, generally a tool to sell other movies at the moment, some additional features are cool
- Iron Man flops for BD Live
- Contrary to Popular Belief, Textese will not ruin your grammar or spelling
- Although faster to type, text-speak takes twice as long to decipher for an adult (according to study on college students)
- Found that people need better grammar and spelling skills to decipher faster
- Rule of thumb is to never let it creep into your essays or resume's :D :D
- Our Christmas/New Years Special will Air between the 26th and 28th depending on your local station, we'll be covering:
- Top 10 Consumer Apps of 2008
- Top 10 Games in 2008
- Top 10 Most Searched Hoochie-Momma's on the Internet (ok, maybe not so much...)
- Top Pirated Games in 2008 (TorrentFreak)
- Spore -- 1,700,000
- The Sims 2 -- 1,150,000
- Assassins Creed -- 1,070,000
- Crysis -- 940,000
- Command & Conquer 3 -- 860,000
- Call of Duty 4 -- 830,000
- GTA San Andreas -- 740,000
- Fallout 3 -- 645,000
- Far Cry 2 -- 585,000
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 -- 470,000
Gamer's Corner (Conferences, New Developments, Game Reviews)
- Favorite Features of 360 NXE? Netflix Instant Queue
- A lot of people are using it like a pseudo DVR and / or getting acquainted with documentaries
- PS3 not looking to implement
- Country coming to Rock Band
- Want a glowing wireless mic for Rockband 2?
- Chronotrigger for DS!!! (Best RPG Eva)
- What makes a good game? Bio-Sensory Reactions to Games
- Immersive learning - Tutorials as you fight
- Highs and Lows Differentials - Not always in the explosions, lulls could be travel or puzzles
- Close Combat = Win, Makes you more invested in the product by raising your blood pressure
- Epic Cut Scenes involving your character / Informational transfer during lulls
- Design your game for the vertical - Don't throw in teddy bear collecting games into a hardcore FPS. Nothing worse than adding extended platforming elements to a FPS
- What makes a good game? Bio-Sensory Reactions to Games
Intarweb Goldmine
- Obama "ZuneGate"
- Funny Quote from the Comments:
I own a Zune and happily, especially if it keeps me from turning into one of these freak boys. I’d rather him be actually be an Islamic extremist than a member of the Church of Jobs. To listen to these guys talk, you can already picture them strapping on Mac Airs and running into a PC dealer to blow up on customer service.
- Funny Quote from the Comments:
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