[Download Show #33 as MP3]
- YouTube to Encode Videos in H.264
- A couple of weeks ago we talked about getting YouTube on your AppleTV
- Quick description of AppleTV
- According to Apple's VP of Hardware, YouTube is coming to AppleTV in an official capacity
- But before that happens the videos are being re-encoded in "H.264 streaming-efficient compression"
- All YouTube videos are currently encoded in Flash Video
- iPhone and iPod support H.264 as well, so that may be another reason
- iTunes Store video coming in Hi-Def perhaps too
- Apple Launches iTunes Plus
- iTunes Plus will Require iTunes 7.2 (available here)
- iTunes Plus = DRM Free tracks
- $1.29/track most albums staying at $9.99
- $0.30/track upgrade for previously purchased tracks
- AAC 256kb Encode rate (double the original 128), this means better quality encodes
- Currently only EMI music
- DRM Free AAC tracks work on players that support the AAC format (iPod, Zune, Sansa)
- Last.FM Bought by CBS
- We've discussed Last.FM on the show a couple of times
- Last.FM keeps track of what you listen to and then gives you recommendations based on that data
- CBS has purchased Last.FM for $280 million, in an all cash deal.
Software / Hardware / Power Web Picks
- Better Flickr Firefox Extension
- From the same folks who brought us the Better Gmail Extension, comes the Better Flickr Extension
- Lifehacker's Top 10 Ubuntu Apps
- Beryl (Desktop Effects) (see video)
- Need recently released video card to get the best visuals
- AWESOME effects, some things that are now in Vista and several visual screen effects that are not
- Some really cool accesibility options (zoom into a section of your desktop)
- Brightside (mouse gestures)
- Assign functions different corners of your desktop
- Switch to a different desktop by moving your mouse point to the edge of the screen
- Automatix2 (Software Management)
- Helps you install software that is not installed by default
- Easy installation of Adobe Flash plugins, multimedia codecs, and even VMware.
- Wine 0.9.38 Released
- Lots of memory and stability issues resolved.
- Some installers that didn't used to work, do now.
- 64bit Versions of Wine now work better, although according to the community, its still a little rough
- Bean: An Open Sourced OSX Word Processor
- Universal Binary available so it will run on PowerPC and Intel Processors
- Features Include: Live Word Count, Auto Save, Timestamped backups, page layout mode, and selection of text by text style
- We do not have Mac in our studio so, if you are running a Mac with OSX 10.4.0 or newer, try it out and let us know what you think
- Dell Drops Warranty for Ubuntu PCs
- When the Dell/Ubuntu machines were announced, it was possible to extend the default warranty to 2-4 years as well as adding "CompleteCare" accidental breakage protection. These options have since been quietly removed from all Ubuntu systems though remain on the Vista ones. Is Dell serious about supporting Linux or was this all just a PR stunt?
- DRM Free actually costs more... And you're not stealing it.
Security & Privacy
- Windows Vista No More Secure Than XP
- Windows Defender gives Vista a slight advantage over XP
- Vista catches some trojens, viruses, and worms but lets other through undetected
- Firefox Released
- Security Updates
- Fixed: Memory leaks that were causing some odd crashes
- Fixed: XUL Popup Spoofing, this actually fixes an issue we talked about last week during our discussion on Phishing. Specifically the part where a Phisher could place an image over the location bar to make you think you were are a legitimate website
- A couple of smaller bugs were also fixed, it is always good to be running the latest version of your software if you can.
- Speaking of Firefox
- The end of May was the "End of Life" for Firefox 1.5.* so if you have not already upgraded to 2.0 please do so
- Firefox 2.0 features include better security including built in Phishing detection, session restore (remember the sites you were on when you closed the browswer).
- People Freaked about Google Street Pics
- Immersive Media is the company that actually does the photos
- They use a conspicuous VW Bug (which they have several of) to drive down the street and snap the photos.
- TVersity
- Audio / Image / Video Feed Support
- Transcoding
- Windows Service
- HTML Web Interface
- Flash Web Interface
- Internet Radio / Video Support
- PS3 / Xbox
Editorial ("Power Up")
- Chicago By Night
- Almost a Gigapixel Image (67000 x 15000)
- 194 pictures
- 7GB final image
- Canon 10D
- Also Did: Sydney By Night and Mega Machu Picchu (1.5 GP)
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