[Download Show #26 as MP3]
- Ubuntu 7.04 arrived this week
- RC Canidate not final.
- New version of the Gnome Desktop (2.18)
- New version of XOrg Server
- Better support for Video Card Drivers (Nvidia and ATI)
- I've been running this version for a couple of weeks now and love it.
- Linux is still not quite ready for the desktop, but man has it come a long way
- NAB This Past Week
- Apple
- Final Cut Pro (Upgrade $499)
- Format Hoe
- Mix multiple formats on the timeline
- Uncompressed 1080p footage
- Support for 4k footage / ProRes (Oakley's Red)
- Motion 3
- Oakley: Red
- New UI in Leopard
- The Reason Mac OS X is late
- 3) They have 6343 Get a Mac commercials left to film
- 2) Apple employees are now working second jobs so they can afford an iPhone
- 1) Vista sucks, there's no need to rush
Software / Hardware / Power Web Picks
- Fotowoosh
- Turn 2D images into a 3D model
- Better Gmail Firefox Extension
- Derek and I live in Gmail, and anything to make it better and more feature rich is fine by us
- Adds Searches, Macros, Label Colors, and other Cool features
- Google Announces Docs Addition: Presentations
- Very little is actually known about it at the moment
- This addition has been long rumored (almost since Google announced Google Docs)
- Excited to have one less thing to install on my PC
- Top 50 Productivity Blogs
- I have been on a productivity kick lately, attempting to find ways to be more productive in several aspects of my life
- Includes some of my personal favorites: Lifehacker and 43 Folders
- Some other notable mentions include
- Web Worker Daily for the work from home folks
- Get Rich Slowly for those in need of a financial tune up
- Outcry for ATI Drivers for Linux
- ATI is not the only one, Nvidia has yet to deliver stable SLI drivers for their cards
- Cards run hotter and louder than in windows
- 65 C in Windows
- 84 C in Linux
- OpenGL performance is slow
- Doom 3
- Quake 4
- Missing Overlay Modes
- For watching video
- X-Video Instability
- You can use OpenGL output to bypass but you miss the Avivo layer which offers some post-processing and results in video that is a bit blockier, not a big deal for smaller lower res monitors.
- Missing Extentions
- Transparency
- Pixel Texture Mapping
Penny Pinchers
- Websites to Help You Save Money And Even Make a Little Too
- The Simple Dollar
- Main Focus is Tips on frugal living
- Some look on investing
- Primarily follows the Dave Ramsey style of personal finance, but throws in others
- Great reviews on financial books
- Get Rich Slowly
- More focus on investing money
- Occasional tips on frugal living
- The idea here is smart monetary decisions that make you rich over the long term
- Ben Stein's How Not To Ruin Your Life (Yahoo Financial Blog)
- The Clear Eyes guy, really is rich
- 18 month emergency fund
- Written several books on investing
- Great articles that look at a wide range of financial topics
Security & Privacy
- Caught downloading?
- Using the Gnutella or eDonkey network
- File Sharing Monitor run by Logistep AG
- How it works
- Runs a search for the file just like you would and collects the IPs of the machines that are returned
- The client requests to download a piece of the file from the host that was found through the search
- The filename, size, IP address, P2P protocol, P2P application, time, and the username are inserted into a database, if the host permits the download.
- The application does a WHOIS search for the ISP information and automatically inserts that into the database as well and sends an infringement letter to the ISP if needed.
- The claim is that its foolproof and can provide "forensic-quality" evidence to a court
- The question remains whether an IP address is sufficient evidence to sue a person, recent cases suggest that the RIAA and MPAA have needed more evidence than that...
- Discuss wireless network security.
Gamer's Corner
- Sony Discontinues the 20GB Playstation 3
- US Only, Japan will still get 20GB goodness
- 20GB does not have WiFi built in
- 20GB never released in Europe
- Basically, we Americans prefer bigger and better
- Why the Wii has only a wee-bit of flash
- Ancient Flash 7 instead of up-to-date Flash 8 or 9
- Basically to run Flash outside of Windows, Linux, or Mac you need the Flash SDK (controlled by Adobe)
- They have not released Flash 8 or 9 in their SDK
Editorial ("Power Up")
- Cheap Ubuntu Media Server
- Direct to blog
- Media Server on Wikipedia
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