- Facebook Reverts back to old TOS
- The future of Netflix is Streaming
- Paper-thin flexible displays gain Touch-Screen Capability
- Google Mail Unreachable, The Internet is Falling
- 2 1/2 hours downtime
- 2nd global outtage this month
- Still unknown the root cause
- Single most twittered subject during outtage
Talk Points
- RIAA Against Harvard Law
- Defense of Joel Tenenbaum: 7 songs at issue
- Multiple tries to settle with no help: last offer $10,500 from RIAA
- Law states up to $150,000 per infringement
- Harvard Professor outraged (Charles Nesson) and decided to take the case Pro Bono
- Students using a real court case as their Thesis through Prof. Charles Nesson
- Obscure rule that student lawyers could be at trial in Massachusetts under a real lawyer
- Judge Gertner who is digital savvy: "basically bankrupting people, and it's terribly critical that you stop it."
- Now the case will be tried live and on the Internet
- Not recompensed but gaining invaluable experience
Doghouse Systems
Gamer's Corner (Conferences, New Developments, Game Reviews)Doghouse Systems
Here is the code: POI
This will give the customer free ground shipping in the continental U.S.
- Discount on Left 4 Dead Nets 3000% Increase in Sales
- Possible Price Cut for PS3
- we could argue about this a bit, sales declining, reasons why, importance of price cut
- Star Wars WookiePedia
- My life as I know it is over...
- My life as I know it is over...
- Trillion Dollar Bailout hits Addicting Games
- slap Sitty Group, RNC Financial, BoMerica, Light Rail Projects
- Give money to ports of entry and smaller housing refinances, etc
- Maybe our politicians should play this game before voting on an economic bill...
MMMMM. I so want ....
Pew Pew Pew...