[Download Show #98 as MP3]
- Amazon Hopes to Speed Up Your Downloads
- Ever wonder why downloading your friends latest photo often takes longer to download than a 4MB song on Apple's iTunes Music Store?
- Amazon wants to make that a thing of the past
- Simplify the world of CDN - content delivery networks
- Think of it this way, they spend the $$ to put servers "close" to you (near the major ISPs) -- that makes downloads from that server blazing fast
- Then they sell a service to content providers that don't want to set the service up themselves pay-as-they-go style
- This lets smaller services that don't have the money of say Apple with their iTunes Music Store product offer blazing fast downloads too
- Users Complaining about Spore DRM
- DRM only allows 3 installs before you must call EA for more (E.G. Windows)
- Only 1 account allowed, but multiple screen names with separate Sporepedia entries / achievements
- Users downgraded Amazon rating in protest
- Now creating creatures that say "DRM Sux" and "EA Sux"
- Lows and Highs of DRM (Discussion - Good Guy / Bad Guy)
- SanDisk and Record Companies Launch Flash Memory With Music
- Force Unleashed sells 1.5 million copies in a week (quick mention)
- T-Mobile G1: Android Phone
- Blu-Ray Market Share Declining
Tech Picks
- ChaCha Mobile
- You're in a bar with a group of friends when an argument breaks out about Steven Tyler's age. Your friend is positive that he's 55. You know he can't be younger than 60. With no Internet access, how do you find out how old he is?
- Search engines give you lots of answers, and that's how we like it, but you need a human to filter that to get the answer you seek.
- People know how to ask questions, it's one of the first things they learn how to do when they talk. What they want is an answer.
- Send a text to 242242 (ChaCha) or call 800-2ChaCha
Power Tip
- Speed up Vista - ReadyBoost
Gamer's Corner (Conferences, New Developments, Game Reviews)
- GH Subscription Model Being Considered
- Only an idea currently
- Monthly fee to get unlimited DLC downloads
- Wii Music Released Oct. 20th
- Music Game for Dummies or 3 year olds
- Behold the abortion which is Wii Music
- (Find the Nintendo conference video and get the horrible audio for Wii Music Demo)
- Mirror's Edge for Consoles Slated for Nov. 11th
- FPS viewpoint action game
- Urban Runner theme
- PC version has been delayed
- Demo will be available after Sept. 26th with pre-order purchase
Final Roster for MK vs. DC
DC Universe: | Mortal Kombat: |
Batman Superman Catwoman Green Lantern The Joker Shazam/Captain Marvel The Flash Wonder Woman Deathstroke Lex Luthor Darkseid | Scorpion Sub-Zero Sonya Jax Shang Tsung Liu Kang Raiden Kitana Kano Baraka Shao Kahn |
Intarweb Gold Mine
- ISS gets Wi-Fi
- Punchline = "If you're ever up on the space station, you can twitter us your status with your space-age iPhone"